How business can benefit from the new free Census data
The first results from the 2011 UK Census were released on 16th July, how well prepared are you to take onboard the new data and obtain value from it? This seminar has been specially designed to prepare businesses, with a programme of briefing presentations by experts in each aspect of census dissemination and application.
This seminar has been designed for both new Census users and for those who have previously used Census results, in both research and commercial sectors.
The seminar will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 19th September at the Royal Statistical Society, and registration will commence at 13.30 hrs.
We have recruited an excellent line-up of speakers:
This promises to be a fascinating and informative afternoon, designed to update delegates on what to expect from the 2011 UK Census, and how to become best placed to obtain and benefit from the results.
The event will be chaired by Barry Leventhal of BarryAnalytics, who also chairs the MRS Census & Geodemographics Group.
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