MRS Unlimited Presents - For, With and By Designing and Delivering Better Inclusive Research

The MRS Unlimited team are running a series of events where we invite speakers who conduct research involving participation from disabled people and those who are neurodivergent, have long term health conditions, age-related or other access needs. We will share disability-inclusive and informed research skills, experiences and outcomes in these sessions.

In our upcoming session, we have four fabulous speakers from two organisations, Open Inclusion, UK and The St John of God, Ireland. Both organisations use collaborative co-researcher capability that includes the lived experiences of those who represent the needs of the research focus group to design and deliver their insights. This session shares research practices that are not just about and 'for' those with disabilities but designed 'with and by’ the relevant community of focus. Our speakers will describe how sharing the considerations, decisions and power of research design and delivery more deeply between those with research expertise and those with lived expertise from within the target group helps to generate high quality, practical insights for internal or external purposes. 


Kathryn Hall

Kathryn is the Founding Director of True Insights. Kathryn has made a significant and award-winning contribution to research across multiple sectors for over 20 years. She is best known for her work helping charities and other organisations including broadcasters reach, connect, engage, and create a sense of belonging for Seldom Heard Audiences.


Christine Hemphill, Managing Director and
Lynn Cox, Community Leader Sight Loss, UK from Open Inclusion

Open Inclusion is a UK based, globally active disability and age-inclusive social, design and innovation research agency. Working with major global commerical organisations, innovative entrepreneurs, government agencies, academia and the third sector Open helps their clients better understand the needs, preferences and experiences of those who move, sense, think, feel and communicate differently to evidence and inform better decisions that enable the creation of better solutions. Solutions that are more consistently accessible, usable and delightful, generating greater value for the brand and their customers.

Sarah Gavra Boland Assistive Technology Community Services and
Patrick Fitzpatrick Co-Researcher, St John of God, Ireland

St John of God's vision is helping people realise their potential and possibility. Our dedicated support staff and volunteers are privileged to support thousands of people, across many diverse services in disability and mental health, to live their best lives; to realise their full potential and embrace every possibility of life. In Liffey Services we support over 850 children and adults with intellectual disabilities providing a range of respite, residential, day, education and life skills training and services through a rights based model of service 



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