Kristin is an industry award-winning thought-leader, author, speaker and small-business owner dedicated to championing continued innovation and best practice in the market research industry. Her career extends from academia to management consulting, consumer insight and strategic planning where she worked with AMR Harris and The Leading Edge before co-founding Ruby Cha Cha in 2008. She now lives and works in London as the founder and owner of Kubi Kalloo, a creative consumer consultancy dedicated to working with global clients to realise future possibilities.

Kristin has made a significant contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding on a diverse range of topics such as social impact modelling and defensive innovation via wide range of books, publications and conference presentations including being recognised with numerous MRS and ESOMAR awards; and long-term recognised advocacy for equality, diversity and inclusion within the research sector.

Currently Global CEO at Behaviorally, Alex has over 20 years’ experience in the consumer insights and data industry. He has developed, implemented and delivered ambitious strategic growth and digital transformation programs and held leadership positions in the USA and globally. Alex has grown Behaviorally through a carve out, globalization and re- positioning, building the Company into the market leader for behavioral data intelligence for the point of purchase transaction.

Alex has made a significant contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding on a diverse range of topics including the role of technology in research and the impact of behavioural science via a range of published articles, training courses and conference presentations; and contributions to sustainability and inclusion initiatives including the We Better Behave (WBB) sustainability series of events and support of MRS sustainability and inclusion programmes.

Sinead is SVP of Customer Expertise at Zappi where she leads a team of research, platform and programme management specialists to help clients use the power of connected insights and transform the impact that research has within their businesses. After a career of more than 20 years in research and insight, Sinead’s experience is wide-ranging - from full service agency to client side and now platform-based research technology. Beyond this she is passionate about positive and inclusive workplace culture and worked extensively on initiatives relating to flexible work.

Sinead has made a significant and long-term contribution to MRS as MRS Chair and MRS Main Board member. She was one of the founders of the MRS People and Talent initiative and the lead for the MRS Covid-19 research which tracked the sector’s challenges during Covid which helped to inform MRS policy and representation activities during the pandemic. Sinead also made a significant contribution to the Business Intelligence Group (BIG) particularly the BIG conference; and important contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding via a range of published articles, training courses and award winning conference presentations.

Don began his career in market research at ICI, helping set up an in-house market research agency. This led to the spectacular success of ICI’s Dulux paint brand. Thereafter, Don worked in senior roles at BMRB and Research Services, during which time he ran the National Readership Survey for six years. With AGB he became involved in international research in Europe and in 1973 he started his bijou research company, which he ran until retirement in 2001.

Don is a significant and long-term contributor to AQR as one of the original founders of AQRP (now the AQR), including ten years on the AQR committee and as AQR Treasurer; and for contribution to the development of research including developing a standardised approach for interviewing for readership surveys.

Jon Puleston is VP of Innovation at Kantar, a research methodologist who has conducted extensive research exploring survey design best practices. He and his team have won multiple international awards for their ground-breaking work pioneering research methodology across the fields of media, advertising, brand, political, health and BtoB research and in 2022 was named Researcher of the Year by Quirks International Research Magazine.

Jon has made a significant contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding on a diverse range of topics including how to measure demographic questions, the challenges of measuring personality and the use of gamification techniques in online research via a wide range of published articles, conference presentations and training courses; and significant contribution to ESOMAR including seven years as a member of the ESOMAR Professional Standards Committee and Joint Chair of the ESOMAR Demographics Standards Committee.
James has extensive experience in the MR space, having worked in fieldwork, full-service insights, media agency insights, and for the past 6 years as an insight leader client-side at Haleon (Formerly GSK Consumer Health) and currently at The LEGO Group, where he is Global Head of Marketing Effectiveness. His career has had a particular focus on people development and advancing the role of insights as a business growth catalyst. In recent years he has launched an Insights Academy, a new Innovation approach centred on insights, a transformational MMM programme, a MiniMBA in insights in partnership with UCL (with over 2,000 non-insights colleagues enrolled) and a hot-housing career development programme for insights high-performers.

James has made a significant contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding on a diverse range of topics including insight as a catalyst for growth and how to create an insight driven culture via a wide range of published articles and conference presentations. His important contribution to MRS includes being member of the MRS Senior Client Council and being part of the MRS/AQR university roadshow team.

Colin Strong is Head of Behavioural Science at Ipsos where he leads a behavioural practice that focuses on understanding complex human decision making – and finding ways to engage and help encourage positive outcomes. He has extensive experience of applying this to clients’ behaviour change challenges, both in the public and private sectors. His career has been in the research industry in various roles including MD of the successful Business & Technology team at NOP / GfK. Colin is also Professor of Practice at Nottingham University Business School where he is actively engaged in a range of programmes that bring industry and academics together in partnership. He is a published author and is the founder and editor of the popular blog, Frontline Be Sci.

Colin has made a significant contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding on topics such as technology adoption, behaviour change, AI and trust via a wide range of books, publications and conference presentations; and long-term contribution to MRS as Chair of the MRS Delphi Group.

Caroline is a strategic insights partner to exciting organisations such as the BBC, Sky, Channel 4, Spotify, Google, CNN, Ancestry. Her specialism is creating bespoke solutions to address the thorniest client challenges – often helping drive impact around DEI, product take-up, or more successful and responsible advertising. She is MD and co-founder of MTM, multiple winners of MRS Agency of the Year, comprising consumer and b2b insights, commercial strategy, cultural insights, and UXR.

Caroline has made a significant contribution to the development of research, insight and data understanding on a diverse range of topics including consumer behaviour, the mechanics of media and advertising, and digital culture via a wide range of published articles and conference presentations. Her important contribution to MRS includes being a member of the MRS Sustainability Council, leading the update of the MRS Climate Pledge and presenting at a number of MRS Sustainability Summits.


Representing, advocating and supporting the research sector

MRS Patrons

Patrick Barwise


“One of my priorities is to ensure that research and other insights are relevant and actionable, flow freely through the organisation to reach decision-makers and are acted on rather than buried or ignored. As patron of MRS, I want to help promote the importance of research as the lifeblood of customer-focused delivery and innovation.”

Patrick attended our roundtable where attendees debated findings from the inaugural MRS Delphi report. Read the article here.

Roisin Donnelly


Roisin spoke to us about using data and insight to win business. Watch the video here.


Clive Humby


MRS Patrons Peter York and Clive Humby discuss the importance of evidence in this video.


Sir Martin Sorrell


"If possible, market research, or what we call consumer insight, is becoming even more important in this day and age. The changes in new markets, new media and the application of technology and development of big data mean that market research or consumer insight is critically important in understanding strategic planning and creative execution, opportunities and issues."

In 2014, Martin spoke at our annual conference, and discussed the link between data and the economy in 2014. Watch the video here


Stan Sthanunathan


Watch our interview with Stan looking at the secret of a good client relationship here.


Edwina Dunn


Edwina wrote the foreword of our privacy report, 'Private lives?', looking at the consumer perspective of the consumer debate. Read the report here


Sir Robert Worcester


“Market research is a way of life. It gives the curious, the intelligent and the interested a view of society which is almost unique. It provides a means by which an alert – but not indolent – young person might taste of a broad variety of experiences without becoming too attached to any one stream and therefore limit their opportunity to move upwards in the trade, or outward into a wide variety of occupations and callings. I hope that as a patron of the MRS I can give a bit back to what I’ve learned about the fascinating business we are in.”


Peter York


“Market research is a very broad and brilliant church...and I want to do my bit to persuade people of that.”

MRS Patrons Peter York and Clive Humby discuss the importance of evidence in this video

This video follows the launch of a joint PwC/MRS industry report 'The Business of Evidence' which revealed that the UK research market is worth over £3bn, 50% more than previously estimated.

The Gold Medal, the MRS’s most prestigious honour, is awarded to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contribution to market and social research. The Gold Medal is reserved by MRS for only the most significant individual contributions to the sector.

Below is a list of current MRS Gold Medallists.

Find out more about routes to MRS Honours.

MRS Gold Medallists
2024 - Ian Brace

2021 – Phyllis Macfarlane

2019 – Peter Mouncey

2018 – William (Bill) G. Blyth

2017 – Dr Barry Leventhal

2008 – Professor Sir Roger Jowell

2006 – Tony Cowling & John Samuels

2004 – Dr Stephan Buck & James Rothman

2002 – John Downham

1996 – Andrew Ehrenberg, Gerald Goodhardt & Paul Harris

1993 – Dr Elizabeth Nelson

1988 – Professor Harry Henry

1986 – Len England

1982 – Dr Mark Abrams

Honorary Fellowships are awarded to eminent public and business figures who have championed, or who demonstrate the power of research, insight or data from outside the sector.

Below is a list of past MRS Fellows and Honorary Fellows who were acknowledged by the Society for their exceptional contribution to the profession.

Find out how to nominate a fellow.

Find out more about routes to MRS Honours.

MRS Honorary Fellows
Belinda Beeftink

Bill Bryson, OBE

Rita Clifton, CBE

Melanie Courtright

Sir John Curtice

Christopher Graham

Rt Hon Dame

Margaret Hodge MP

Keith Hughes

Dr Stephen Jenkins

Seema Malhotra MP

Deborah Mattinson

Elissa Molloy

Dr Camilla Pang
Alan Rusbridger

Baroness Minouche Shafik

Sir David Spiegelhalter

Patrick Sturgis

Dame Dianne

Phyllis Vangelder

Richard Webber

Keith Weed

Stian Westlake

David Wilding

Geoff Wright

Nadhim Zahawi MP

Below is a list of MRS Fellows – who have gained recognition of exceptional accomplishment and contribution to the Profession and/or the objects of the Society and/or the interests of MRS Members.

Find out how to nominate a fellow.

Find out more about routes to MRS Honours.

MRS Fellows
Aftab Ahmad

Paul Baines

Stephen Bairfelt

Dr Nick Baker
Tim Barber

Phil Barnard

Chris Barnham

John Barter

Peter Bartram
Crispin Beale

Nikki Bell

Susan Blackall

Fiona Blades

William Blyth

Clive Boddy

Nick Bonney

Rita Brophy
Michael Brown

Sue Burden

Simon Burrows

David Cahn

Jonny Caldwell

Caroline Callahan

Martin Callingham

Rosie Campbell

Simon Chadwick

Paul Child

Joanna Chrzanowska

Barbie Clarke

Nick Coates

Bob Cook

Sarah Davies
Lucy Davison

Philly Desai

Andrew Dexter

Patricia Dowding

John Downham

Richard Drury
Christian Dubreuil

Keith Dugmore

Babita Earle

Rob Ellis

Richard Ellwood

James Endersby

Gill Ereaut

Jem Fawcus

Mervyn Flack

Arthur Fletcher

Jonathan Fletcher

Chloe Fowler

Ruth France

Julie Fuller

Dr Peter Furness

Sally Ford-Hutchinson

Elaine Francis

Karen Fraser MBE 
Richard Goosey

Peter Goudge

Jane Gwilliam

Kathleen Hamilton

Terry Hanby

Josephine Hansom

Claire Harris

Pene Healey

Linda Henshall

Michael Herbert

Hugh Hoffman

Ben Hogg
Crawford Hollingworth

Clive Humby

Julie Irwin

Vanella Jackson

Jonathan Jephcott

Derek Jones

Thomas Kerr

Raz Khan
Sam Knowles

James (Jim) Law

Dr Rachel Lawes

Barry Leventhal

Simon Lidington

Rowland Lloyd

Tim Macer

Phyllis Macfarlane

Sofie Mallick

Ben Marks

David McCallum

Colin McDonald

Kevin McLean

Ruth McNeil

Jackie Megahey

Penny Mesure

Dawn Mitchell

Virginia Monk

Nick Moon

Dr Leigh Morris

Peter Mouncey

Corrine Moy
Elizabeth Nelson, OBE

Caroline Noon

Darren Mark Noyce

Martin Oxley

Ben Page

Simon Patterson

John Pawle

Adam Phillips
Bob Qureshi

Stephen (Steve) Phillips
Ray Poynter

Martyn Richards

Malcolm Rigg

John Rose

James Rothman

Jane Rudling

Danny Russell

John Samuels

Jessica Santos

Rob Sheldon

Richard Sheldrake

Chris Smith

David Smith

Mark Speed

Penny Steele

Ivor Stocker

Trish Stuart Parker

Liz Sykes

Neil Swan

Crispian Tarrant

Yvonne Taylor

Dr Mark Thorpe

Ray Tiwari
Leanne Tomasevic

Peter Totman

Helen Turner

Paul Vittles

Daniel Wain

Paul Walton

Nicholas Watkins

Caroline Whitehill

Neil Wholey

Trevor Wilkinson

Alan Wilson

Sir Robert Worcester

Rebecca Wynberg



Below is a list of past MRS Fellows and Honorary Fellows who were acknowledged by the Society for their exceptional contribution to the profession.

The Roll of Honour also includes Honorary Fellows posthumous, awarded to eminent public and business figures who championed, or demonstrated the power of research, insight or data from outside the sector. Honorary Posthumous Fellowships are awarded to individuals not recognised by a Fellowship in their lifetime

Honorary Fellows                            Honorary Fellows (posth.)
Jeremy Bullmore
Valerie Farbridge
John Gambles
Bill Schlackman
Dr Alan Branthwaite
Mel Crowther
Mike Trotman
Lucinda Allum
Lawrence Bailey
Kenneth Baker
Mary Bartram
Bryan Bates
Keith Bates
Jennie Beck
Donald Beverly
Chris Blamires
Robin Birn
Julian Bond
John Bound
Timothy Bowles
Ian Brace
Nigel Bradley
Susan Brooker
Diana Brown
Douglas Brown
Dr Stephan Buck
Dominic Buck
David Chilvers
Eileen Cole
Steffen Conway
Prof Martin Collins
Mike Cooke
Peter Cooper
Antony Cowling
Susan Coyne
Nigel Culkin
Laurence Curtis
Kate Dann
Leslie de Chernatony
Gerald De Groot
Sue Duncan
Heather Dunn
Prof Andrew Ehrenberg
Stephen Ellis
Jan Faber
Paul Feldwick
Roddy Glen
Rudolph Goldsmith
Gerald Goodhardt
John Goodyear
Mary Goodyear
Wendy Gordon
John Griffiths
Justin Gutmann
Paul Hague
Mike Hannah
Paul Harris
Peter Hayes
Robert Heath
Prof Harry Henry
Clifford Holmes
Peter Hutton
Mike Imms
Fiona Jack
Peter Jackling
Jonathan Jephcott
Roger Jowell
Sheila Keegan
John Kelly
Richard Kottler
Claire Labrum
Roy Langmaid
Barbara Lee
J (Tony) Lunn
Derek Martin
Dr I McGloughlin
Peter Menneer
Kit Molloy
Elaine Moore
Rory Morgan
Ros Morgan
Alan Morris
Louis Moss
Gavin Mulholland
Clive Nancarrow
John O'Brien
Alison Palmer
Nicolas Palmer
John H Parfitt
Kenneth Parker
William Pegram
Nick Phillips
John R Potts
Jon Priest
Joy Reynolds
Richard Roberts-Miller
Sue Robson
Mike Roe
Edward Ross
Geoffrey Roughton
Peter Sampson
Eamonn Santry
David Seaman
Richard Silman
Leslie Sopp
Nigel Spackman
Paul Szwarc
Philip Talmage
Frank Teer
Dr John Treasure
Virginia Valentine
Martin van Staveren
Judith Wardle
Janet Weitz
John Wigzell
Eric Willson
Lorna Winstanley
Fiona Wood
Dr Jeremy Wyndham
Frances Yelland

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