

Get MRS recognition for the quality of your training content and delivery

The MRS Accredited Training approach is flexible, recognising a wide range of provision. Developed in conjunction with employers, MRS Accredited Training is an essential business and staff development tool.

To complement the MRS Professional Development Framework and Benchmark Standards,

MRS has developed an MRS Accredited Training approach which accredits employers’ in-house training provision, giving employers external recognition of the quality of their training content and delivery, specifically identifying areas of learning and training provision which meet the MRS competency standards.

Benefits of being an MRS Accredited Training Provider

  • Demonstrates employers' professional development commitment to clients and employees, and assists in attracting graduates to organisations
  • Gives researchers access to MRS Membership engaging them with the wider profession, accessing broader information about research via membership benefits which enriches the individual's understanding and feeds directly back into improving the employers business
  • Recognises employer training provision within the MRS Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme 
  • Recognised as an entry route to MRS Certified Membership with MRS CPD
  • Assists in the structuring and benchmarking of employer's training programmes
  • Improves employee recruitment and retention
  • Improves staff motivation and morale
  • Gives recognition of world class employers

Accredited Training Provider - Information & Application

Benefits of being an MRS Accredited Interviewer Training Provider

The MRS Accredited Interviewer Training approach is also flexible, recognising a wide range of provision, for example face to face, webinars, online; across a wide range of different employers whether large or small, and whatever their specialism. Developed in conjunction with employers, MRS Accredited Interviewer Training is an essential business and staff development tool.

MRS has developed a competency framework for research interviewing that has been designed to recognise the range of knowledge, skills and behaviours required by research interviewers to conduct effective interviews with participants in market and/or social research projects.

  • Recognition of quality of training provided by an organisation by MRS
  • Demonstrates organisations professional development commitment to clients and interviewers
  • Assists in the structuring and benchmarking of organisations interviewing training programmes
  • Improves interviewer recruitment and retention
  • Improves staff motivation and morale
  • Gives recognition to world class organisations

Accredited Interview Training Provider - Information & Application

If you are interested in becoming an Accredited Training Provider or a Accredited Interview Training Provider please email: samantha.driscoll@mrs.org.uk

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