The UK, US and the EU plus other countries have imposed a range of economic sanctions against Russia. Whilst the UK, US and EU has largely aligned their sanctions there has been some divergence. One difference is the approach to public opinion polling and market research services. The EU has prohibited market research and public opinion polling exports; the UK and the US have chosen not to impose prohibitions.

MRS has produced a briefing note on EU sanctions here: EU Economic Sanctions: Public Opinion Polling and Market Research in Russia (PDF)

Below are some links that outline UK Government emails and helplines for queries relating to the Russia – Ukraine conflict:

The latest on sanctions currently in place and how to apply for the appropriate licences is published on

The list of individuals and organisations on the UK Sanctions List are detailed here:

The UK sanctions regime relating to Russia are listed here:

There is separate Russia Sanctions Guidance which assists with implementing and complying with the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. It covers the prohibitions and requirements imposed by the regulations. It also provides guidance on best practice for:

  • complying with the prohibitions and requirements
  • enforcing them
  • circumstances where they do not apply

This UK Government guidance should be read alongside more detailed sanctions guidance published by departments including the Department for International Trade (DIT), Department for Transport (DfT), Home Office and through the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI).

For further information on export controls: contact the Export Control Joint Unit Helpline on 020 7215 4594 or email or subscribe to the Export Control Joint Unit’s notices to exporters 

For further information on import controls: contact the Department for International Trade’s Import Licensing Branch on 

For further information on transport sanctions: contact the Department for Transport on 

For general information on sanctions: contact the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s Sanctions Unit on 

If you have a specific query about trading with Ukraine or Russia there is a dedicated online service where queries can be submitted:  Alternatively, you can call the UK Government’s Export Support Service (ESS) on 0300 303 8955.

The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) (part of HM Treasury) is the competent authority for implementing financial sanctions in the UK. OFSI cannot give specific advice on financial sanctions compliance, it is for organisations to take their own independent advice to ensure they comply with relevant regulations. The UK Government strongly suggests that businesses undertaking research in Russia obtain their own legal advice in relation to their situation.

For further information on financial sanctions: contact the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation or subscribe to the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation’s e-alerts.

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