
MRS launched a new accolade for individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic: Research Heroes were recognised for how they had worked in heroic ways for the research sector.  

Thank you to our sponsor Opinium for supporting this initiative:



About the programme 

The Research Heroes programme celebrates individuals who do not necessarily qualify for our normal professional recognitions, such as Fellowships, but who have given exceptional service to the sector or who have done something amazing for their colleagues or stakeholders.  

Jane Frost, chief executive, MRS says: “We all need to say thank you more and celebrate more. There are no limits to the Research Hero scheme - all the research heroes are receiving a big thank you from their colleagues via this award. Congratulations to all of them for inspiring the nominations and a personal thank you for all you have done!”

Criteria for research heroes:

  • Work in research, insight or analytics (can include support and operations employees)
  • Have done one or more of the following:

- Have contributed during 2024/25 to make a difference in research, or to support colleagues and co-workers or the community

- Have given consistent service to the sector for which they cannot be recognised with a professional award such as a Fellowship

- Have forwarded the cause of research, or the campaigns that are most important to the sector such as quality, diversity and sustainability. 

  • Must receive 80% of approval from responding judges

How to nominate:

Send us an email with the name, job title and organisation of the person you are nominating, and a maximum 200-word description of the reason you have chosen them, to

The nomination period for 2025 is 7 April - 7 May. Please do not send nominations before this date.

Winners will:

This year's judges to be announced soon.

The following people have been award the Research Hero accolade:


Emma Beech

Abhishek Bhatia

Gale Blears

Julia Brannigan

Alice Bresciani

James Bright

Denise Brown

Rebecca Cole 

Catherine Cowie

Megan Evans

Chloe Fowler

Sam Grey

Claire Haines-Gray

Edyta Jabes

Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) 

Alice Langthorne

Giorgio Mariani

Bri McIntosh

Jack Millership

Dr Nicki Morley

Fergus Navaratnam-Blair

Jade On

Tanya Squires

Janet Stacey

Darren Till

Alicia Whyatt 

Melanie Wiles

Carlene Wilson


Shray Agarwal

Abi Allard

Shibu Pillai

Abhinab Bhanja

Bethan Blakeley

Joanna Brassett

Susan Fader

Sania Haq

Kristin Hickey

Rhys Hillan

Hannah Humpherson

Tosin Igbon

Scott Lampon

Dr Clifford Lewis

Wesley Michael

Nadia Morozova

Adam Overell

Ruth Partington

Anita Pavic

Britanny Nicols

Sia Najumi

Richard Preedy

John Sevec

Sabrina Trinquetel

Debbie Whittick

Monica Wood

Catherine Yuile

Andrew Zelin


Raluca Elena Barbu

Michael Brown

Andrew Cannon

Inger Christensen

Ian Douglas

Caroline Frankum

Debrah Harding

Dec Harvey-White

Monique Hellel

Sophie Holland

Graham Idehen

Maria Luther 

Louise Maycock

Louella Miles

Priya Minhas

Minal Modha

Rose Molloy

Greg Morris

Lizzy Pottinger

Bob Qureshi 

Freddie Reeves 

Matt Reynolds

Hannah Rogers

Maria Schmidt

Gill Wareing

Shazia Ali

Adele Bearfield

Louise Cannon

Theo Francis

Marie-Claude Gervais

Marie Hobson

Nessa Jackson

Alison Johnstone

Steven Lacey

Rishi Moulton

Georgia Prorok

Danielle Todd

Karine Trinquetel

James Vaughan-Smith

Lisa Wilding-Brown

Sharon Willis

Jonathan Wheeler


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