Our membership is cheaper and offers more benefits than equivalent membership bodies in other sectors. To celebrate the value of MRS membership, we've got an offer for new Members until the 31 March 2024. The joining fee of £45 is waived when you add the code TROLLEY25 to your cart. You just pay the annual membership fee of £175. 
See more details here

The annual subscription fee is £175

This fee applies to all grades of membership – Member, Certified and Fellow. The current fees run from 1 April 2024 through to 31 March 2025. Your membership fee is fully tax deductable

Please note that all MRS Membership subscriptions are exempt from VAT. 

New applicants – joining fee

New applicants for membership are required to pay a one-off  joining fee to cover the sign-up process adminstration along with their first year’s annual subscription. 

First year subscription fee £175 + joining fee £45* = £220

* New applicants are required to pay a one-off Joining Fee as an up-front payment. Please note that the joining fee is non-refundable. 

Direct Debit – get 10% off

Pay by  direct debit and benefit from a 10% discount on your membership fee. To set up your direct debit simply login to your MyMRS Account or speak to the Membership Team on +44 (0)20 7566 1820 or membership@mrs.org.uk. On payment you will be issued a receipt by email each year once your payment has been processed.

Apply online now for MRS Membership
Discounted Subscriptions Options

Qualification candidates - £87.50 for the first year only 

Candidates who are enrolled on an MRS Qualification and in the process of studying towards achieving the qualification, who can provide supporting evidence with their application confirming their enrolment, are eligible for 50% off the membership fee with no joining fee. This is for the first year only and only available whilst studying towards the MRS qualification.

Market Research Executive & Social Research Degree Apprentices - £50 (no joining fee)

Apprentices enrolled on the Market Research Executive or Social Research Degree Apprenticeships can apply to become a member of MRS for the discounted fee when providing supporting evidence with their application confirming their enrolment on the apprenticeship.

Full-time students - £50 (no joining fee)

Students in full time education (with a period of 6 months or more remaining on their full time programme of study), who can provide supporting evidence with their application confirming their enrolment.

Retired professionals - £87.50

A special rate is available for Members of MRS who are:

  • Aged 65 years or over who have been a fully paid-up member for at least 3 consecutive years
  • Not in receipt of an income from research, insight, analytics, marketing science or related activities
Other circumstances

MRS does offer discounted rates to exisiting members for Unemployment, Long Term Sickness and Maternity. Please contact the Membership Team on 020 7566 1820 for eligibility criteria.

Making your payment
  • You can apply online and make your payment by Visa, Mastercard or Debit Card (including Amex)
  • You can apply by downloading the application form and payment can be made by cheque or banker's draft made payable to 'The Market Research Society' (not 'MRS') or by Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Debit card**.

Please note that MRS is unable to issue an invoice for Membership Fees.

**For security reasons please do not email your card details to us. If you are paying by card please post or call us to make payment.

Terms and Conditions
Read the full MRS membership terms and conditions here.

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