The Disciplinary Authority conducts tribunals for all cases where members contest the initial disciplinary findings by Market Research Standards Board.

MRS Disciplinary Regulations were last updated in November 2023.

The Disciplinary Authority’s role is to conduct tribunals for all cases where members contest the initial disciplinary findings by MRSB. In addition to MRS Fellows, the Authority comprises individuals who are independent of both the Society and the market research profession. It is proving to be a robust and fair mechanism to enforce the MRS Code of Conduct in the interests of all participants in the market, social or opinion research process.

Independent Members of the Disciplinary Authority

Diana King OBE MBA BA (Law)

Diana qualified and practised as a solicitor for some years before moving into sports administration as the Chief Executive of the English Ski Council. After a spell in legal marketing for Eversheds and a period as  General Secretary of the Royal Aero Club, she went freelance.  She now carries out a range of freelance activities as a sport and business management advisor.  In particular she provides marketing advice and produces and edits regular newsletters for Europe Air Sports, a not-for-profit organisation that supports sporting aviation in regulatory and legislative matters.

MRS Fellows on the Disciplinary Authority

Penny Mesure
Martin Oxley
Penny Steele

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