The MRS Delphi Group is led by a collection of the most respected thinkers in the marketing and research sectors. Chaired by Colin Strong, the group's mission is twofold:
The Group produces valuable insight in the form of reports, events, articles and podcasts.
For enquiries relating to the group contact
The call to action in this report for brands, researchers, and strategists is clear: do not shy away from purpose out of fear of getting it wrong.
This report unpicks the contextual factors in which brand purpose operates and is received, particularly amid the 'culture wars' of today's polarised societies.
Includes persepctives from: Co-op, MTM, Truth, Ipsos, the Advertising Association and a Global CMO.
REPORT ONE: The BEST Framework for Gen AI
This report provides researchers with conceptual guidance of the way Generative AI can be applied, elevating the discussion from what can feel like a scatter gun of possible applications into a strategic decision-making framework that helps to support its use. In the process, we intend to highlight what good might look like, alongside possible pitfalls and risks.
Download - The BEST Framework for Gen AI
REPORT TWO: Using synthetic participants for market research
This is the second installment in a series of reports on the implications of generative AI on the market research sector. Part two looks at the practical application of LLMs to generate synthetic data and simulate synthetic participants.
Download - Using synthetic participants for market research
REPORT THREE: Adoption and Integration - where are we now?
This is the third instalment in a series of reports on the implications of generative AI on the market research sector. One year on from the original report, 'AI: Adoption & Integration: Where are We Now?' looks at the early successes and ongoing challenges of integrating generative AI into market research practice.
Download - AI: Adoption and Integratuion - where are we now?
Evidence Talks is a series of 30-minute podcasts that bring together experts from the research, insight and data analytics communities to discuss the latest trends in customer intelligence. Produced by the MRS Delphi Group, in partnership with
How the data explosion has created a new breed of insights professional.
Understanding a world in transformation
How Covid-19 has reset the customer insight function.
Lessons from 70 years of research and insight.
How technology impacts consumer trust.
How insight and research can help organisations connect with the future.
How to foster a culture of insight and use it to deliver business growth.
Putting the consumer at the heart of the privacy debate.
What impact will artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have on the research and insight sector and its workforce?
Leading industry figures to share their ideas for improving democratic engagement.
The MRS Delphi Group has a core Steering Group from the research and evidence sector, and will bring in additional expertise depending on the subject under review.
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