Pioneered by MRS and supported in 2019/20 by Savanta, this initiative positions Intelligence CapitalTM as a critical business investment, alongside financial and human capital.

Intelligence Capital is, in essence, the information, evidence and insight an organisation collectively accesses, circulates and acts upon. Initial work in 2018 brought the concept of Intelligence Capital to life by demonstrating its value: how progress can be powered by through the effective development and activation of an evidence-based approach. 

Intelligence Capital reports:

The Responsive Business: Creating growth and value through Intelligence Capital
Based on consultation with MRS members and the MRS Senior Client Council, and building on Kantar research, the report recommends a framework that puts research, insight and data analytics at the heart of business strat egy and makes the case for investment in the function now.

Intelligence Capital 2020: a practitioner’s guide
The practitioner’s guide builds on those foundations and provides a step-by-step framework for how Intelligence CapitalTM can be fostered and developed within an organisation and leveraged to build tangible competitive advantage, while also providing robust and vital evidence to support decision making. The document includes actual, recent examples from across the market and social research sector and a number of tools to help along the way. 

Free Webinar -How to get more from your research spend

Speakers from Google and BT describe how their organisations have benefited from applying the principals of Intelligence Capital to their research and insight work.


The successful application of Intelligence Capital creates new value for the business in four ways: by unlocking new revenue streams; by strengthening brand value; by increasing speed to market; and by generating efficiencies.

 How does Intelligence Capital deliver growth?


The Intelligence Capital initiative is sponsored by:



We all need intelligence to make better decisions. We believe that intelligence is an asset that should be used in every decision that a business makes, and we want to empower non-researchers to use it more.


  • Intelligence Capital™ is a trademark of the Market Research Society

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