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The Market Research Executive Apprenticeship was officially launched in February 2022. Since then the programme has grown in popularity among apprentices and employers with a 98% retention rate and a hugely diverse range of apprentices enrolled onto the programme ranging from ages 17 to 40. 

The Market Research Executive Apprenticeship aims to attract new and diverse talent into the insight sector. It’s encouraging to see that 60% of the apprentices do not hold a degree level qualification which means the programme is really starting to make a difference in breaking down the academic and social barriers to entering the profession.

Celebrating three years of Market Research Executive Apprenticeship  

To mark the upcoming three year anniversary of the launch of the Market Research Executive Apprenticeship, we’ve spoken to employers and apprentices who got involved in the scheme to find out about their experiences so far. Watch the short video with key highlights or dive deeper with the longer videos to learn about the benefits of the scheme from the apprentices’ (Sophie and Zoe) and the employers’ perspective (NCFE, the Walt Disney Company and Blue Yonder Research).

Paul Woodhouse says:” There is really untapped potential out there that we should be actively recruiting into the research industry”, whereas Richard Heath highlights the fact that “it’s healthy to have people from different backgrounds” and Lauren Peart emphasizes that “you have an extra member of staff who is upskilling with all the up-to-date knowledge”.

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