The ADA (Advanced Data Analytics) Network is a specialist group for advanced practitioners to meet, identify, develop and disseminate research industry best practice in the area of advanced analytics.


In person @ MRS  HQ
We are bringing back in person events as we know how much you enjoy networking and sharing knowledge and ideas with peers.

We will still continue to run webinars to create a balance throughout the year. If you have a submission for a webinar format, please get in touch too.

Click here to see our current opportunities...

or contact with any ideas you have. 

The ADA Network is supported by a panel of experts:

Caroline Dieleman, Senior Manager Strategy and Solutions at DVJ Insights
Paul Jackson, Head of Advanced Analytics at Bonamy Finch and Founding Partner of STRAT7
Tom Morgan, Director of Analytics at Tapestry Research
Karsten Shaw, Director of Analytics at Yonder Consulting

The ADA Network covers:
  • Mainstream multivariate approaches such as conjoint and regression.
  • More recently adopted techniques such as random forests and cluster ensemble analysis.
  • We also aim to lead the way within the research industry in identifying optimum approaches for analysing multiple source data.

Within the ADA Network, members are able to exchange news, views and information on analytical techniques via our dedicated webpage and LinkedIn group. We also have the opportunity to meet in person at special network forums. A selection of presentations from previous ADA network events are available for you to view below. 

Sign up to the ADA Network

If you would like to join the network and receive information about upcoming ADA Network Forum events please opt in to ADA in your MyMRS  online account (or create an account). The network is open to both MRS members and non-members. 

Previous event content:

Gen AI in Social Listening 
May 2024

Utilising Advanced Conjoint Methods for Volumetric Analysis
April 2023

Slides:Dean Tindall - Undertaking Volumetric Analysis using Choice Based Conjoint Methods
Chris Moore - Using MBC for Volumetric analysis


An Advanced Look at Audience Measurement
June 2022


Slides from June 2019 event

Developments in the Analysis of Unstructured Data 
November 2018

 Presentations from previous ADA Symposium events:


Join the discussion on LinkedIn

The ADA (Advanced Data Analytics) Network has a group on LinkedIn for sharing news and best practice.

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