MRS is actively engaging with regulatory bodies and stakeholders on key issues including CLI call-blocking, AI Code of Practice, the Data Use and Access Bill, and Employment Rights legislation. These efforts aim to support the research sector by addressing legislative impacts, fostering AI growth, and ensuring flexible workforce needs are considered.

MRS Engaging with the Telephone Network Providers about CLIs and Call Blocking 

In December, MRS met with Ofcom and the Network Providers to discuss the impact of CLI call-blocking technology on telephone research activities. MRS is exploring with the Network Providers how genuine telephone research can be recognized by their systems to avoid CLI call blocking. MRS and Ofcom have agreed to arrange a webinar to discuss the changes to the CLI rules with the aim of providing practical guidance on how best to manage the impact of these changes. The date for this webinar will be announced shortly.

The Code of Practice Chairs and Vice-Chairs were appointed by the AI Office and are currently developing a first draft of the General-Purpose AI Code of Practice based on the consultation submissions. They will share it with the respective Working Group in the first half of November. In total, there will be four drafting rounds. After nine months, the final version of the first Code of Practice will be presented in a Closing Plenary, expected to take place in April, and published thereafter. We will keep members updated on developments.

Data Use and Access Bill

The Data Use and Access Bill, which is due to supplement the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR, continues its Parliamentary journey, with debates about the proposed text being heard in the Lords. MRS is engaging with members of the House of Lords to reinforce the importance of having commercial activities, including market, social, and opinion research, recognized within the legislation’s approach to statistical and research purposes.

MRS Responds to the House of Lords Scaling Up – AI and Creative Tech Consultation

MRS responded to the House of Lords Scaling Up – AI and Creative Technology consultation. The inquiry examined challenges SMEs face scaling up AI in the UK and what actions are needed from Government and industry over the next five years to maximize the economic potential of the sector. The MRS response (with input from the sector) included upskilling, access to impartial guidance, R&D incentives, and producing a comprehensive regulatory landscape as part of the challenges which the sector faces to effectively scale AI technologies.

Shaping the EU’s AI Code of Practice

MRS, as a member of EFAMRO, continues to feed into the EU’s AI Code of Practice. The Code, which is being drafted through an iterative process of internal discussions within the Working Groups and additional external input from stakeholders, has entered its second phase of drafting. MRS via EFAMRO will submit recommendations into the updated draft.

Employment Rights Bill and Interviewers

MRS has submitted a response to the UK Government’s consultation on the new Employment Rights Bill focusing on the proposed changes to zero-hours contracts and what these may mean for flexible fieldworker engagements.

MRS is also engaged in direct discussions with officials from the Department of Business Trade (DBT) on the practical difficulties of the guaranteed hours proposals within the proposed legislation.

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