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The annual MRS Financial Services Research Conference is your chance to hear key industry thought leaders, from agency and client side on the challenges and opportunities facing the financial services industry and the researchers that serve it.
Five reasons to book your ticket today
Discover how research is helping the financial giants win back customer trust
Learn how new legislation will affect institutions, customers and research
Gain a detailed and vivid insight into customer segmentations
See how behavioural economics is being put to practical use on cutting-edge projects
Test the effectiveness of new mobile approaches to understanding and engagement
Key themes this year will include:
Building engagement Can researchers understand how to reset the conversation with consumers?
Generation next The landscape of the financial services sector has been changed recently by the arrival of new entrants. So, who are they and how are they using research to carve out market share?
Panel debate: Has the financial services industry truly grasped the nettle of change?
Regulation – the year ahead What does impending financial regulation mean for researchers?
The Retail Distribution Review Can researchers help the FS industry understand how to reset their relationship with consumers as the RDR comes into force?
The branding challenge With the sector undergoing unprecedented flux and criticism, how can research solve the branding conundrum?
Bad behaviour? How can the theories of behavioural economics be applied and adapted by research?
Big Data What can FS companies achieve with this? Where are the hidden insights to be found, and what are the innovators doing with this data?
Mobile payments What’s the real value opportunity?
Social media What are the opportunities for generating insight and what are the challenges for FS businesses?
The Bloomsbury Hotel 16-22 Great Russell Street,London,WC1B 3NN
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