Gamification is a methodology of research that only a few companies have utilised and even fewer have pushed forward. In this advanced Games for Research Playshop, Betty will steer away from ‘Gamification’ and allow delegates to understand the use of fully immersive ResearchGames so that they can be one of many researchers who will bring this methodology to the mainstream. Delegates will be shown and taught the tools to delve deeper into the use of Games and apply those learnings back in the office in real-life research studies. Delegates will need a basic knowledge of Gamification (attending the introductory MRS workshop Gamification in Market Research that Betty delivers is recommended) as they will immerse themselves in the deeper layers of this unique and highly interactive workshop by joining in role-play and design activities as well as taking part in a Game that Betty has devised specifically for researchers.
The course is extremely relevant in today’s market research landscape, especially as the worry and financial cost of participant fatigue increases and the benefits of Games in Research (which have been evidenced) have shown to increase participant enjoyment which, combined with the Game Design, makes way for data capture otherwise not possible in traditional research. If you want to future-proof your research, this workshop is thoroughly recommended. Please note: this is a workshop where ‘learning by doing’ is the theme of the day, so delegates should be prepared for a non-traditional learning experience.
Project Managers to Insight Managers, VPs of Data Collection to Presidents of Customer Experience and Brand Managers. Also recommended for anyone in Innovation Departments within Marketing and Research as well.
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