This event has taken place
How do we attract and retain talent in our industry?
6:15pm for a 6:30pm start
This project has been investigating the relationship between the research industry and the professionals that work within it. Areas explored include how they enter the profession and what the key drivers that help keep them engaged with the industry or perhaps drive them away are. It’s also worth noting that the project is not just a dry standalone report, it’s very much a living thing that is looking to stimulate action throughout the industry.
This session will not just cover a quick overview of the key findings of the work but also involve an interactive workshop session where delegates will get the chance to help tell “the story of the industry”.
The project has identified the need to tell this story as being a key element that we all need to get out there into the wider world. This is to both challenge the many stereotypes that exist and also, more importantly, excite potential new entrants to what a fascinating career being a researcher can be.
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