AI and machine learning has the potential to transform market research in ways we are still seeking to understand.
The Culturise Collaboration’s recent work demonstrates how new tech-based approaches can extract and quantify emotional content from unstructured data.
What you’ll learn:
The Culturise Collaboration has spent the past year working on a series of projects that show how new tech-based approaches can extract and quantify emotional content from unstructured data.
Andy Dexter shares his insights, for instance looking at ongoing data collected in the retail banking sector, by MESH Experience, to examine metrics around cultural affinity as part of the ongoing Happiness Project.
· MESH collects thousands of open ended comments and pictures every month – a very rich dataset. How can these tools can be applied to commercial case studies?
· MESH’s methodology is continuous and real-time, revealing how language, topics of conversation and emotions change and evolve over time
Andy Dexter’s examples show how the language people use (both words and visual) can be correlated with structured data, such as positivity of experience, to create composite metrics that have until now been inaccessible.
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