An IJMR Lecture
Traditional random probability based sampling (RPS) has a strong theoretical foundation, unlike other sampling methods. Hence, it is often referred to by researchers as the ‘gold standard’. RPS provides the basis for many key surveys of national importance across a wide variety of topics, such as measuring social attitudes, well-being, voting behaviour, experience of crime etc. However, RPS based surveys are suffering from declining response rates and rising costs, with clients continually pressing researchers to deliver cheaper and faster alternatives. Our panel of three speakers will address these challenges and provide answers to key questions such as: what is the role of RPS sampling in research today? Are declining response rates impacting on data quality? Are we measuring quality in appropriate ways? Can RPS benefit from new developments in technology?
This is a topic that should resonate with all researchers due to the importance of RPS survey data in providing reliable and robust data on the UK population.
A panel of three leading researchers will provide brief presentations addressing the theme, followed by questions and discussion: Kirby Swales (Director of Research, NatCen), Joel Williams (Head of Survey Methods, Kantar Public), Patten Smith (Head of Research Methods Centre, Ipsos MORI). The evening will be chaired by Peter Mouncey, Editor in Chief, IJMR.
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