
The Foundation Course in Market Research gives learners an understanding of the role of market and social research in society and business, and an awareness of the processes involved in designing and planning effective research.

The Foundation Course in Market Research gives learners an understanding of the role of market research in society and business, and an awareness of the processes involved in designing and planning effective research. The course is knowledge-based, providing a comprehensive grounding in the basic principles and practices of effective market research.

The Foundation Course in Market Research is a standalone learning tool but is also a popular study route to the fully recognised MRS qualification: MRS Certificate in Market Research.

Who will benefit?
Those with limited research experience. It is particularly suited to undergraduate/postgraduate students, support staff, new entrants in research suppliers, those commissioning research for the first time, those wishing to carry out small-scale research to support their businesses, field workers and those seeking an understanding of the market research industry.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the course registrants should have knowledge and understanding of:

The basics of market research

  • Research objectives
  • Research design
  • Content
  • An introduction to research methodologies

Designing a research project: the tools of market research

  • Introduction to qualitative research
  • Introduction to quantitative research
  • Introduction to sampling and interviewing
  • An introduction to questionnaire design

Completing a research project

  • Turning data into findings
  • Reporting and communicating findings
  • Professional development and the market research industry

Recommended reading
The text book, Market Research in Practice, complements this course and also covers extra topics such as observation and ethnography, international market research and research trends. It's available to order direct through Kogan Page (RRP £36.99).


£300.00 + £60.00 VAT = £360.00 (payment must be received by MRS before commencement of training can begin).

Registrants must log onto the course within 14 days of being supplied with an access key and complete the course within 120 days.

To book click the orange 'Book Now' button.

Discount available if you book both the Foundation Course and the Certificate in Market Research at the same time: Combined Fee: £392.00 + £78.40 = £470.40

Please contact for more information.

Process and Conditions:

  • Register and make payment online or request invoice via the ‘Book Now’ button.
  • Receipt of payment/invoice will be emailed to you.
  • On receipt of payment (within 24hrs) a confirmation email including access key and instructions will be emailed to you
  • You have 14 days from when the access key is issued to log  in to the course for the first time.
  • If you fail to log on within 14 days, you will need to re-register/re-pay.
  • After the first log in, you have 120 days in which to complete the course. Extensions will not be issued.
  • Refunds are not issued once the personal access key has been issued.
  • Access keys are non-transferable and can only be used by the candidate named on the booking
How does online training work?

MRS online training comprises an area for the user, the Personal Profile and two inter-linked areas: a Learning Centre and a Resource Centre.

Personal Profile

  • The programme generates a personal profile where the learners decide what they want to focus on during their training; and by completing a series of questions their preferred learning style is established.

Learning Centre

  • The training takes place in the Learning Centre where most time will be spent.
  • The syllabus comprises four sections with each section containing different modules.
  • There is no fixed order for the course material – it’s up to the learners how they tackle the sections.
  • The Learning Centre acts as a tutor, guiding and advising on progress.
  • The Learning Centre facilitates a variety of learning styles, encouraging learners to define how they want to learn.
  • The Learning Centre is interactive, enabling learners to drill down for greater depth of information where needed.

Resource Centre

  • The Resource Centre complements learning by giving an added layer of resource.
  • It acts as a library with useful links and checklists and ensures the learners make the most of the Internet during the training.

Foundation Course in Market Research: Registrants must log onto the course within 14 days of receipt of their access key and complete the course within 120 days. The average length of time to complete the course is around 30 hours.

Contact us

If you require further information or assistance registering a place on a course contact:

Foundation Course: or telephone +44(0)20 7566 1844

MRBA Skills – Education Grants & Funding Support for the MRS Certificate and Foundation

MRBA have launched ‘Skills’ to support researchers in the UK market and social research sector wishing to develop their skills and enhance their careers.

MRBA is supporting those at the beginning of their careers, by helping them develop their market research knowledge and understanding for a future in the sector.  Through this new bursary, they want to help those who might be unable financially to pursue a programme of learning towards the qualification (Foundation Course) and sit assessment (Certificate Qualification).

MRBA Skills is an Education Grants & Funding Support initiative offering up to 20  annual bursaries to agency or supplier employees, fieldworkers or interns  in the UK wishing to study for the MRS Foundation Course and  Certificate in Market  Research. Bursary applicants must have worked for at least 3 months continuously in the UK market or social research sector in the past three years . Click here for more information.

MRBA, the UK research industry’s only independent registered charity.

Additional Information

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