Approaches using cluster analysis and more advanced options.
Thiscourse aims to take the quant researcher on a journey from running simplecluster analyses through to the wider possibilities that are available whenlooking to segment people, brands, or services. The course focuses onsegmentation approaches that utilise cluster analysis, but also covers moreadvanced options such as latent class and non-clustering techniques, such asarchetypes.
Topics covered during the day include:
Thiscourse is likely to be of most benefit to quant researchers who are called onto conduct segmentation studies and who want to be able to take expand the roleand competence in the area, in particular researchers who want to be able to gobeyond running the software just using the defaults.
Michael Marshall, Network Homes Jeremy Massey, Consumer Insight Anna Kiel, The AudienceNet Ltd Sania Haq, The AudienceNet Ltd Andrew Skone-James, IFF Research Ltd Crystal Ting, B2B International “A good affirmation of how I run my segmentation.”
16 November 2016“An introduction to the use of advanced segmentation in market research.”
16 November 2016“Eye-opening & very useful business lesson.”
16 November 2016“An interesting insight into the stats world.”
23 March 2016 “A comprehensive introduction to segmentation.”
23 March 2016
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