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£325 + VAT
£475 + VAT
£350 + VAT
We are all designers… we use graphic design software every day in the form of PowerPoint.
Yet we are never taught the fundamental principles of design, why does one design look good and another not? Why for some unidentified reason does a slide look wrong? We’ll guide you through the core principles of design, how to use PowerPoint properly, how to find and use appropriate imagery and how to create a simple infographic in PowerPoint.
This is an essential course for anyone interested in improving their storytelling abilities through the design of reports and presentations for clients.
Anyone working in research who needs to create reports, presentations or stakeholder communications – both agency and client side.
You will need to supply a short existing presentation (up to 18 slides). This can be anonymised if necessary. You will use this as the basis for exercises during the day.
Business Skills
Rachel Ellis, Irrational Agency
26 October 2016
Vivien Harrison, The Caravan Club
26 October 2016
Lisa Edgar, The Big Window
26 October 2016
Kelly Lock, Opinion Research Services
26 October 2016
Pankti Shah, Irrational Agency
26 October 2016
Rosie Shaw, Populus
26 October 2016
This event has taken place
£325 + VAT
£475 + VAT
£350 + VAT
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