
Understand and apply the innovative approach of gamification to transform your online survey from ‘chore’ to ‘score’, for all involved.

Gamification, applied in the field of online market research, is a technique proven to increase respondent engagement, enjoyment, and data quality. This means the data is more reliable, and can help businesses make confident and better informed business decisions.

Gamification is also a uniquely powerful ‘online-qual’ approach to create context-driven surveys that bring participants closer to their emotional experiences with brands, products, and services. This is crucial in a world where research buyers increasingly demand to understand the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’.

In this workshop masterclass, created by the inventor of ResearchGames™ and author of ‘Games and Gamification in Market Research’ (the world’s first and only book on this subject, published in three languages), Betty Adamou teaches the psychology and science behind gamification, and delivers a step-by-step guide to transform one of your online survey projects into an engaging and context-driven gamified design.

As the workshop companion to her book, delegates will also have the benefit of Betty’s ideas and consultancy during the main ‘design-your-own’ activity, and will see real ResearchGame examples to understand the design processes that shaped the final outcomes.

If you’re interested in ‘unboring’ your surveys, and ensuring your research designs are future-proof, come along for a deep-dive in this two-day gamification masterclass.

Games and Gamification in Market Research > 20% off the book   Published by Kogan Page, Betty Adamou's book covers how to create intrinsic engagement in research through gamification. Enjoy 20% off the RRP of £33.99. Go to the Kogan Page website and enter the code: GAMIFICATION

Important note: This workshop is focused on gamification design for online market research and  is best suited for people who want to begin an innovative and engaging tracker study, or for people who want to design more engaging ad-hoc studies. It is not suitable for people who want to use gamification for online communities, as such communities rely on specific software which is not easily customizable for gamification techniques.

While many survey software companies offer customization options in order to make your gamification idea come to life, this workshop is not focused on coding, software, or the technological aspects of programming a gamified survey.

While the facilitator will make every effort to answer queries regarding the technological aspects, please be aware that this workshop is focused on understanding gamification and the design process. 

For delegates interested in gamification for qualitative research, please note that gamified surveys are largely considered ‘online qual’. While this may suit some qualitative researchers, we’re aware that others may wish to have a more specialized workshop (for example, to understand gamification in focus group or depth interview settings).

Who should attend?

Delegates from any area of online market research can benefit from understanding game-based online survey techniques; from insight specialists and project managers through to survey script writers and survey software teams.


  • Understand what we mean by 'Serious Games' and 'Gamification’, in and outside of Market Research, and the science behind the engagement of games
  • Look at the benefits, opportunities, and drawbacks of using Game-based Market Research (GbRM)
  • See case-studies of both 'Serious Games' and 'Gamification' in Market Research – along with results and client and participant feedback
  • Learn how gamification can help reduce participant fatigue, button-mashing, and drop-offs while increasing response rates, data quality, and inspire participant loyalty.
  • A deep-dive in analyzing the semiotics, ethics, and gamification functionality in one of Betty Adamou’s ResearchGame storyboards for a Fortune 500 brand
  • Each attendee will be tasked to develop a Participant Profile where we unpack what we already know about the target research participants, in order to understand their value drivers, and design an engaging gamification approach that relates to them while relating harmoniously with the research content
  • Main design activity: Each attendee will be given a step-by-step design guide and time to storyboard their very own Research Game design. Therefore, we’d like each attendee to bring a genuine research project that they can work to. Their will also be pre-work tasks to complete.
  • Attendees will be asked to share their ideas, as we group evaluate and elevate our work collaboratively, creating a ‘gallery’ of designs.
  • Delegates will leave the workshop with a gamified-survey or Research Game design, which they can take into the next stages of development back in the office.
  • Finally, we open the floor to a live Q&A
Betty Adamou is the inventor of ResearchGames™, Founder of Research Through Gaming, and author of ‘Games and Gamification in Market Research’ (Kogan Page, 2018), the first book on the subject, published in three languages.
Her 10+ years of research and design work is focused on creating engaging and data-driven games to solve commercial problems.
As an in-demand Gamification designer, workshop leader, keynote speaker, and consultant, Betty regularly works with a range of clients, from Fortune 500 brand to start-ups and charities, with her games played by 20,000+ people worldwide.
Betty has also gained several awards in recognition of her work, including NGMR Disruptive Innovation Award, Enfield Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Ginny Valentine Badge of Courage Award, and named 1 of 7 women shaping the future of market research. She has been interviewed globally to discuss her work, most notably on BBC radio.

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