
New, emerging and established online qual techniques for qual researchers, marketers and research buyers.

This course enables you to:

  • understand more fully the whole range of online techniques which are part of and have been added to the qualitative researchers’ toolkit, including communities and online ethnographic research.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, delegates should have a better understanding of:

  • the different range of online qualitative techniques that are available including some extra focus on online communities – the fastest growing online research technique
  • what the techniques mean, how they are similar/different to each other and to other qualitative techniques
  • when online techniques should be considered – for which business issues, specific subject areas and audiences
  • the implications for the qualitative skills required for conducting online qualitative research

Who will benefit?

This course will benefit researchers, marketers and research buyers new to the world of online qualitative research or just those looking to develop their knowledge. This course will help you understand the latest thinking in online qualitative research and how you can apply the techniques to enhance your business decision making.

"Excellent day, interactive and informative. Ideal for organisations looking to run online communities and research."

Nick Clay - Nick Clay, March 2023

"Very informative."

Haley Millard - TfWM (WMCA), March 2023

"Well prepared, very nice atmosphere, valuable information in a nutshell for certain target group."

Lenka - Kynetec, October 2021

"A great overview of how we can continue qual research in an online world."

Hannah Mander - Joules, March 2021

"A perfect overview of online qual methodologies giving the confidence to use these tools and techniques in the future."

Natalie Gregory, March 2021

"Very informative and enlightening."

Chris Pollitt – NHS Property Services, March 2021

Additional Information

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