
Using the tools and techniques that work in leading people.


People management is a skill and as such it needs to be learnt. Managers need to have a clear framework within which to carry out their management duties effectively for the people they manage, their team objectives and ultimately the organisation.

This practical course will enable staff who have had limited exposure to management, to benchmark their current skills against professional management models.
It will also enable staff who are about to take up their first management role to learn best practice.

Delegates will have opportunities to practice their management skills in a ‘safe’ environment where only constructive feedback is allowed.


All organisations in our fast-paced, fire-fighting, 24-7 world have to change, constantly and continuously. It’s a jungle out there and the animal that can’t run faster than the competition starves or gets eaten. However, most employees are already ‘punch-drunk’ with corporate ‘change’ initiatives & programmes, whilst most of the changes that could have made the organisation stronger & more successful have failed, usually due to poor implementation. This workshop will help you to achieve real change within your team & organisation by recognising, then leveraging, your most appropriate & effective management, leadership & communication skills.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Define the key skills and behaviours of an effective manager
  • Plan what needs to be done in line with organisational and team objectives
  • Assess what resources, processes and skills are required to achieve the objectives
  • Set SMART targets for their staff
  • Delegate tasks effectively
  • Review progress through giving constructive feedback
  • Coach and develop their staff
  • What performance and behavioural standards should a manager aspire to?
  • Fire-fighting versus planning
  • Setting SMART targets
  • Delegation – the eight steps to perfection
  • Giving constructive feedback to improve performance
  • Workplace learning and coaching
Who will benefit?

Anyone who is new to people management or wants to ensure that their relevant skills are up to date.

"The strategic management course was really useful and relevant to my role! Danny made sure it was packed with tips, techniques and kept it interactive and engaging as much as possible."

QuMind, July 2022


Sean Ward - Sheffield Hallam University, March 2022

"Well-structured, informative and expertly moderated."

Gareth Bowden - FlexMR, March 2022

"Very valuable if you want to learn methods to better your development as a manager in any area."

Ruk Perera - QRS Market ResearcH, March 2022

"Effective delivery of strategies & tools for performance and development conversations with staff."

Amelie - HMRC, March 2022

Additional Information

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