AVENIR FOCUS - Your Trusted Partner for Reliable and Effective FIELDWORK in FRANCE since 2007.
We support you across all research methodologies (focus groups, interviews, in-home product testing, mystery shopping, ethnographic, UX/UI testing, ...) with:
- Premium B2C and B2B Recruitment
- Efficient Project Management
- Comprehensive Logistics (facilities, ...)
- Customized Solutions (moderation, ...)
Our specialisms
Accountancy, Automotive, Catering/Hospitality, Electrical Goods, Entertainment – in home, Entertainment – out of home, FMCG – General, Pets/Petcare, Pharmaceutical, Toiletries/Beauty Products
Behaviour Insights, Business-to-Business, Concept Testing, Consumer, Customer Communities, Customer Experience, Multi-Mode Fieldwork, Opinion Polling, Product Testing, Youth/children's research
CAPI, CATI, Depth Interviews, Face-to-Face, Hall Tests, In-Home/Doorstep Interviews, In-store/exit Interviews, Online Research/CAWI, Qualitative, Viewing Facilities
Affluent/High net worth, Children & young people, College students, Nordic markets, Older people, People with medical conditions, Single parents, Umemployed, University students, Youth/Teens
Our people
Senior Contacts
Breakdown of Personnel
Admin/Support staff: 4
Field interviewers: 14
Field managers/supervisors: 6
Total Number of Employees: 21 to 50