Dynata helps over 6,000 companies worldwide harness the power of first-party data to make informed decisions about the products, services and campaigns they bring to market. With a global reach and an unrivaled approach to quality, we are the most trusted source for reliable, accurate data.
Our specialisms
Automotive, Drinks (Alcoholic), Drinks (Non-alcoholic), Electrical Goods, Energy/Utilities, Entertainment – in home, Entertainment – out of home, Environmental, Fashion/Clothing, Finance/Investment – Business, Finance/Investment – Personal, FMCG – General, Food, Healthcare, Home/Garden/DIY, Insurance, Media (Broadcast), Media (Print), Office Equipment, Online Media, Online Retail, Pharmaceutical, Public Services, Retail, Social Media, Sport/Leisure/Arts, Technology, Telecoms/Mobile/Internet, Toiletries/Beauty Products, Toys/Games, Transportation, Travel/Tourism
Advertising, Brand/Branding, Business-to-Business, Communications/PR, Concept Testing, Consumer, Customer Experience, Emerging Markets, Employee Research, International, New Product Development, Online Panels, Opinion Polling, Packaging/Design, Pricing, Product Testing, Social Research, Usage & Attitude
Artificial Intellegenc/ AI Powered Platforms, Audience Measurement, Executive Interviews, Mobile Surveys, Online Research/CAWI, Online Results and Data Portals, Panels, Recruiting, Tabulation & Analysis, Tracking
Affluent/High net worth, Business decision makers, College students, Ethnic minorities, Hispanic heritage, Older people, Parents of young children, People with medical conditions, Umemployed
Australasia, Canada, Central America, Central Asia, Central Europe, China, Eastern Europe, India/Pakistan, Japan, Middle East, Northern/Western Europe, Pacific Rim, Republic of Ireland, Scandinavia, South America, UK, USA, Worldwide
Our people
Senior Contacts
Henry Dack (SVP, Sales & Customer Experience)
Iris Weiss (Head of Research and Data Science, EMEA)
Chris Watson (Managing Director, International)
Aaron Simmons (SVP EMEA, Client Development)
Breakdown of Personnel
Total Number of Employees: 500+