Indeemo's AI powered, in-the-moment video research platform helps Researchers and Designers understand people, products, purchases and experiences in the context of everyday life. Using the Indeemo platform, you can launch projects and recruit respondents in hours, connect with them in any context using our Instagram style app, import your Interviews or Focus Groups into our secure Research repository and analyse your content in a fraction of the time using powerful Generative AI analysis tools.
Available in 28 languages, MR, UX and CX teams use Indeemo across every sector and industry for a wide variety of research mehtodologies including:
- Interview and Focus Group Analysis
- Diary Studies
- Digital Ethnography
- Journey Mapping
- Qual Pre-tasking
- Product and usability testing
- Path-to-purchase / Shopper
- CX / EX Research
Total Number of Employees: 21 to 50
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