QPSMR is the ideal software for processing and analysing research information.
Features include ...
- Questionnaire design
- Imports from other software (online surveys, triple-s, CSV etc)
- Telephone interviewing (CATI)
- Personal interviewing (CAPI) Windows and Android
- Paper questionnaire data entry and verification
- Data checking and editing
- Weighting (target, percentage, RIM, multi-code etc)
- Summary reports
- Quality tables - automatically formatted as spreadsheet files with contents sheets
- Powerful QPSMR Command Language
- Extensive export facilities
- QPSMR Companion Reflect file generation - for end user analysis
- Excellent software support
- Full Data Processing Bureau service
Our specialisms
CAPI, CATI, Coding/Data Entry, Quantitative, Tabulation & Analysis
Our people
Senior Contacts
Ros Biggs (Director)
Andrew Collins (Director)
Breakdown of Personnel
Admin/Support staff: 2
Executive/Research staff: 2
Non-research: 1
Data processing: 5
Spec writers: 1
Total Number of Employees: 11 to 20