31st March 2003
The seminar was chaired by Professor Martin Callingham, former Group Market Research Director of Whitbread, now of Birkbeck College. The first four sessions covered aspects of sampling; the first from Martin van Staveren of BMRB International authoritatively covered the basic principles of sampling.
The second presentation was from Nick Moon of NOP World, dealing with external data sources to assist in sampling, was peppered with useful advice and interesting anecdotes.
Gordon Farquharson of Claritas Europe spoke about the use of external overlay data to enhance survey samples.
Tony Dent of Sample Answers explained how to find minority samples; both stressed the usefulness of lifestyle data, among other sources.
Corrine Moy of NOP World was first on after lunch, covering the subject of data integration and showing how it could make survey results more actionable.
Corrine was followed by Nigel Bennett of Experian who talked about sources of business data for sampling and identified trends within that market.
Mark Watson of Business Geographics showed how geographical analysis was relevant to sampling and illustrated his talk with a worked example.
Finally, Keith Dugmore of Demographic Decisions covered future developments, notably the imminent arrival of 2001 Census data and how that will improve the data market. He identified the impressive growth of user knowledge and commitment to demographic analysis.
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