A government-funded scheme encourages hundreds of British companies each year to use marketing research to explore overseas markets.
UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the British Government’s Department for promoting overseas trade - exporters are encouraged to take a strategic approach to exporting through a number of subsidised activities such as training courses, events, organised visits and consultancy programmes to great effect.
Recognising the benefits marketing research brings to a growing business, UKTI, through their long-running Export Marketing Research Scheme (EMRS), provide objective and independent advice to companies on how to use marketing research to grow their exports. This advice is further backed up by a financial incentive that match-funds the costs incurred by eligible exporters in completing the research project.
Companies report on average* a £100k uplift in their bottom line arising from the increased business resulting from first researching their markets.
A network of nine regionally based Research Advisers provide advice to over 1000 companies each year on the role marketing research can play in the exporting process.
This expert advice covers all aspects of research, beginning with guidance on how to prioritise their potential export markets through to developing objectives, sourcing information about their overseas markets and drawing up a schedule and an agenda for overseas meetings. Advice on identification, selection, evaluation and working with market research agencies in export markets is also included.
Research undertaken by OMB Research – The Performance and Impact Monitoring Survey (PIMS) is UKTI’s quarterly survey of their customers.
The Research Advisers have significant experience of conducting international market research and are all members of the Market Research Society.
NEW: Making a stylish entry to the US - Number 35, London based fashion label aimed at professional women
Sector: Retail
Market: USA
America (North)
Export Marketing Research Scheme helps Le Mark export to USA–Le Mark (East)
Sector: Leisure and Tourism
Market: USA
Lights, camera, focus-Bankside Films (London)
Sector: Media
Market: USA
IMS Research mobilises UKTI expertise in the US-IMS Research (East Midlands)
Sector: Communications
Market: USA
Healthy exports to the US, naturally-Hilton Herbs (South East)
Sector: Healthcare and Medical
Market: USA
DC Electronics doubles turnover and speeds forward in US-DC Electronics (East)
Sector: Mechanical and Electrical Process Engineering
Market: USA
America (South)
Learning about learning in Brazil–INTO UEA LLP (East)
Sector: Education and Training
Market: Brazil
The sun rises in Japan for BCS-Autobox-Autobox Machinery (East)
Sector: Mechanical and Electrical Process Engineering
Market: Japan
Developing China’s Potential-On Track International (South West)
Sector: Education and Training
Market: China
Developing Delhi and motivating Mumbai-First Ascent (East)
Sector: Education and Training
Market: India
geo boosts profits and helps Australia go green-Green Energy Options (East)
Market: Australia and NZ
Lining up the European on-line Market-Mint Twist (London)
Software and Computer Services B2B
Market: Switzerland
A better thing for sliced bread in Russia–Ibonhart (East)
Food and Beverage
Market: Russia
Middle East
UKTI service gives good ROI for abdi in Kuwait-ABDI(East)
Education and Training
Market: Kuwait
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