The MRS Wellbeing Space was born as a result of the Mental Wellbeing in Research Survey, an annual survey now in its fourth year conducted by Opinium and MRS. The 2021 research revealed that 87% of researchers experienced poor mental health over the past year up from 83% in 2020, suggesting there is work to do for us all to improve the general wellbeing of individuals in the sector.

The Wellbeing Space is dedicated exclusively to employees of our Company Partners to improve the general wellbeing of individuals in the sector, share resources, ideas, tips and tools for better managing our mental health. In the first half of 2022, the MRS Company Partner Team have been working hard to provide you with practical webinars and discussion panels with experts on a wide array of mental wellbeing topics.   

Share what has worked for you

We are now seeking contributions from you for the second series of wellbeing webinars! We would love to hear about wellbeing schemes, initiatives and activities which have worked in your organisation, in your work or in individual or group experiences. Our goal is to share it amongst industry peers, so that others can adopt the practices or activities in their life or workplace.

How to Submit:

The focus of this submission is to hear about new ideas and innovations, individual or team journeys and case studies of wellbeing practices which have been effective or thought provoking so that our peers can learn and use the tools to adopt similar practices in their organisations.  We are flexible on the content, it can be from an individual or team perspective, client work, research, or combined initiatives. 

Please send us your suggestions for these format options

  • Recorded webinar case study of experience providing learning and tools which the viewer can take away
  • Blog - Case Study of experience providing learning and tools which the reader can take away. 600-800 words

These will be hosted in our Wellbeing Space and each new blog will be highlighted in our wellbeing communications

Please send all contributions to by 30 September

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