
New ways to understand decision making and influence change

This year’s behavioural science summit focusses on new and emerging approaches to distilling behavioural insights and designing behavioural interventions.  Expect a day of discussion and case studies demonstrating how applications of behavioural science in market research are optimising marketing outcomes, improving user experiences and supporting behavioural change initiatives.

Book your place to improve your knowledge and confidence in designing behavioural experiments and using different techniques, frameworks and measurement tools.

  • Explore emerging data-led behavioural science methods
  • Delve deeper into behavioural economics and new approaches to nudging online buying behaviour
  • Enrich your insights by blending behavioural science with other methodologies
  • Compare new approaches for predicting future behaviours
  • Tackle the say-do gap using implicit research approaches

Hear applied behavioural science case studies from:

Google * Reckitt * Vodafone * McDonald’s * Novartis * Keep Britain Tidy * Scottish Government * GroupM Nexus * Beam Suntory



Radisson Blu Edwardian
9-13 Bloomsbury Street,London,WC1B 3QD


Registration & coffee



Welcome from the Chair

Dr Nicki Morley, Head of Behavioural Science and Innovation Expertise, UK Insights, Kantar




Using behavioural science to surpass expectations in the messy middle of purchase decision making

Decoding Decisions is Google and The Behavioural Architects’ research programme that addresses a simple but fundamental question for marketers: how do people decide what to buy?

This session examines the latest wave of research, revealing how behavioural science and first-party data can help brands surpass consumer expectations throughout the purchase journey.

This talk will examine:

    • A framework for identifying expectation "basics," "bonuses," and "balancing acts" that influence consumer decisions
    • How best practice use of heuristics and first-party data drive relevance for consumers in a cookieless future
    • Strategies for designing cognitively easy online experiences that meet and surpass expectations
    • How to optimise post-purchase interactions to foster loyalty and positive peak-end brand memories

Dipesh Mistry, Associate Director, The Behavioural Architects

Emily Allen, Marketing Research & Insights Manager, Google





Unearthing dormant behavioural insights in digital data

Primary research is often essential for uncovering insights in behavioural science. It forms the bedrock of understanding contextual dynamics. However, as market researchers, do we owe the behavioural science community more in terms of how we can better assess contexts and behavioural? Can novel, data-driven methods help evolve the field from frameworks and principles toward uncharted territories where new insights lie dormant?

This discussion will explore opportunities and new learnings from using digital data to unearth rich, consumer fuels and frictions – the key ingredients for designing for change.  Join panellists as they discuss future avenues to reveal behavioural insights.


Max Wiggins, Client Director, BeSci & Innovation, Kantar


Rachel Atchinson, Client Director, Qual & BeSci, Kantar

Sam Curtis, Head of Digital Analytics, Kantar

Alex Peters, Lead, Behaviour Change Centre of Excellence, Reckitt - tbc




Oncology odyssey: navigating patient experiences using behavioural science

For cancer patients navigating the experience of being diagnosed and treated, there are extreme highs and lows, but what lessons are there for healthcare companies and providers trying to support patients and how can behavioural science give insight into the psychological factors impacting patients at critical sages in their journey with cancer?

This session highlights common challenges and how behavioural science recommendations make a meaningful difference to patient experience, including:

  • Understanding attentional narrowing and cognitive load and helping companies structure their information to avoid overload
  • Using guided language choices to avoid alienating patients
  • Understanding psychological challenges of decision making under uncertainty, and supporting patients to make the best decisions

Katy Irving, Global Head of Behavioural Science, HRW Healthcare

Pradnya Naidu, Director, Integrated Insights – Prostate RLT, Novartis




Morning refreshments




Behavioural science for sustainability design: recycling bins of the future

Big brands have a pressing to act more sustainably and actively manage their impact on the environment. McDonald’s has set out its long-term sustainability strategy in its ‘Plan for Change’ which covers five aspects of its business: People, Communities, Menu, Supply Chain and Restaurants. One of its key customer-facing challenges within Restaurants centres on sustainable messaging and recycling behaviours. McDonald’s needed to improve customer recycling behaviours in restaurants, without compromising the seamless and convenient experience that its customers expect.

This case study reveals how Linney explored, researched and designed several different bin concepts, using behavioural science thinking to guide this work. Examine how through a combined approach of observation, and in-situ testing, the final bin was designed to encourage improved levels of recycling and accuracy. Hear how these behavioural insights have led to the roll out of new bins across Wales and are contributing to McDonald’s mission to lower its impact on the environment. 

Callum McStay, UX Researcher, Linney

Dr Adele James, Behavioural Scientist, Linney

Helen McFarlane, Sustainability Manager, McDonald’s UK and Ireland




Blending behavioural economics and semiotics to supercharge insight

This case study will examine how a strategic insight partnership which brought together two complimentary methodologies helped to solve a fundamental brand challenge for Keep Britain Tidy (KBT).

Despite many years of campaigning littering persists in the UK. Yet few people admit to persistent littering, and no-one is a committed litterer. Cigarette butts are one such persistent and pernicious source of litter. 

To gain insight into why people do not feel that dropping butts is an act of littering and an innocuous act, KBT employed both Behavioural Economics and Semiotics to blend cultural and psychological understanding.

Find out how the richness of insight and ROI achieved show that this collaboration is much more powerful than the sum of its parts. 

Mark Lemon, Associate Director, Sign Salad

Nick Southgate, Behavioural Economist

Katherine Ellicott, Research & innovation Lead, Keep Britain Tidy








Using research shaped by behavioural science to inform social marketing behavioural change campaigns

The Scottish Government Strategy and Insight team delivers numerous behaviour change campaigns. Behavioural science sits at the heart of its research, enabling it to identify barriers and unlock motivations to take action among its target audiences.  

In this session examine how the team has applied a range of different behavioural models for recent campaigns, translating behavioural science theory into practice. Compare how effective different models have been in achieving campaign aims. 

Caroline Simpson, Strategy & Insight Lead, Scottish Government

Steve Banks, Strategy & Insight Lead, Scottish Government





Fast forward: using behavioural science to build a more accurate understanding of future behaviour 

Panellists will share three distinct examples of how behavioural science is being used to predict and understand future behaviour. They’ll present a mix of quantitative, qualitative and technology assisted approaches that all deliver behaviourally informed insights about the future, before discussing the merits of different techniques and the exciting possibilities that come from blending disciplines.

Jack Miles, Senior Director, Northstar Research / HarrisX

Alexandra Kuzmina, Innovation Consultant – Nova, MMR Research

Rosalind Wilson, Strategist, Hall & Partners




Afternoon refreshments




Curses, comparisons, and choice architecture: how Vodafone uses behavioural experiments to cut through complexity

Vodafone has partnered with Dectech for over a decade, applying behavioural research to understand and influence the behaviour of consumers and small businesses in the UK mobile and broadband markets.

Complexity inherent in the mobile market - including the curse of dimensionality, comparative decision-making by consumers, and the importance of choice architecture make behavioural science the top choice for researchers trying to understand consumers’ pricing sensitivities and the dynamics and drivers of consumer decision making.

This case study explores how innovative behavioural experiments and behavioural insights sit at the heart of Vodafone’s annual ‘core tariff review’ which determines tariff architecture and pricing principles for the year ahead.

Rich Lewis, Director, Decision Technology

Tom Hoare, Commercial Lead, Vodafone UK




Harnessing behavioural science and neuroscience to optimise addressable TV advertising

GroupM Nexus wanted to measure how changes in viewer interaction with TV advertisements impacts on key metrics like brand perceptions and purchase intent. Partnering with Walnut Unlimited they implemented a multi-phased research approach, blending behavioural scientific and neuroscientific techniques.

The method began with a large-scale survey enriched with implicit techniques. Phase two then implemented experimental design and priming. The final qualitative research phase used natural settings to explore the nuances toward advertising across the platforms.

Examine how the study revealed unique psychological mechanisms among viewers opting for cheaper, ad-supported packages, and highlighted the dynamic between brand perception, viewing environment, and subconscious attitudes towards ads.

Michal Matukin, Head of Neuroscience, Walnut Unlimited

Samantha Lister, Head of Marketing Science, Advanced TV, GroupM Nexus




Using a behavioural science toolkit to assess the risk and reward of redesigning packaging for an established brand

How do you understand if your patented design feature is a distinctive asset, or a weight around your brand’s neck… And what do you do if it’s both?!

Suntory Global Spirits wanted to understand the risk and reward of Basil Hayden moving away from its unique and legally protected ‘bib’ label design. An integrated, agile approach fused current pack equity understanding and new design exploration, enabling a strong understanding of the opportunity.

This case study will explore how a suite of behavioural tools were employed to weigh up the risk and reward of packaging redesign. Hear how behavioural science provided clarity and confidence to make a brave decision, that was a success with stakeholders and customers alike.

Chris Aukett, Managing Director, The Big Picture

Noemi Marelli, Global Senior Manager, Insights & Analytics, Suntory Global Spirits




Closing remarks from the Chair




End of conference


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