A day of strategy, understanding and disruption
This conference is designed to offer a bracing and illuminating view of how technology and data help researchers and brands connect ever closer with customers and society.
We’ll present you with a picture that is anarchic, challenging and insightful.
We’ll showcase technologies, examine data implications, debate the challenges and listen in as industry leaders point to potential future pathways.
This is a conference for insight professionals and brand managers who are both curious and have a vested stake in the development of the tools and techniques of their trade. If you are using technology or big data to better understand our world, you’ll need to book your place at this event.
Eleven research, technology and data professionals offer you level-headed, unbiased and expert views of an ever-changing landscape. It’s a landscape that demands agile, fresh-thinking and fearless approaches to research and insight.
This interactive conference allows professionals on both side of the agency divide the time and space to examine some of the profound strategic and technical issues facing us all.
Be prepared to immerse yourself in a world of edgy technology, big data and prepare yourselves for the next wave of consumer understanding.
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