Join us for 50 minutes in the therapist’s chair.
What better way to kick off Mental Health Awareness week than a chance to hear from three brilliant individuals whose professional and personal worlds combine being practicing psychodynamic therapists, brand strategists, market researchers and members of the LGBTQ+ / ally community.
They will discuss the themes of mental health and challenges that exist for the LGBTQ+ community and encourage us to be mindful of how tending to our own mental health is vital to what we bring to our work, and to our lives.
As those of us who’ve been lucky enough to engage in personal therapy know, there’s a lot you can delve into in fifty minutes.
Join us.
Chair: Chloë Fowler, The Nest Research
Darren Harvey, Lotus Research and psychodynamic counsellor
Sean Kelly, Bedrock brand consultancy and Anima Therapy
Caroline Rogers, Common Collective
Darren Harvey (he/him) is the founder of Lotus Research, a qualitative research consultancy specialising in exploratory and communications research in the voluntary and public sectors. He is also a psychodynamic counsellor working with clients on grief, loss, identity and meaning; and enjoys bringing a psychoanalytic approach to qual interviewing.
Sean Kelly (he/him) is the founder of Bedrock, an independent brand consultancy, and principal therapist, MBACP, at Anima Therapy. Sean is a c-suite strategist, creative problem solver and experienced leader, alongside working as an integrative therapist in private practice with specialisms in sexuality and identity, trauma, grief and loss.
Caroline Rogers (she/her) is a social researcher with 10 years' experience working with the charity sector to understand the impact of social policy failings on vulnerable and marginalised people. She is a member of Common Collective, a mixed-skills collective delivering human centered research and design projects for social impact. She also co-runs a social enterprise that provides low cost, trauma informed martial arts and self-defence classes to LGBT+ people. In doing so, she draws on her own experience as a researcher, as a queer person, and of the therapeutic power of hitting things really hard.
Panel Chair:
Chloë Fowler, she/her, FMRS, is founder of The Nest Research, an independent qualitative consultancy. She’s a member of the MRSpride steering committee and is a previous Chair of the Association for Qualitative Research. She’s a proud lesbian, has had therapy for years, and writes Queer novels in her spare time.
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