Developing personal effectiveness skills enhances an individuals personal profile within an organisation. Developing skills to influence others, enhances careers, builds networks and enhances personal recognition and contribution.
1. Assess and identify personal effectiveness including strengths and weaknesses
2. Indentify and work with individuals to assist in developing personal skills, particularly addressing areas of weaknesses
3. Develop skills working effectively as part of a team, understand your role and responsibilities and how this relates to others
4. Set personal development targets, including addressing identified weaknesses, and develop approaches to enable these targets to be met
5. Assist others in developing their knowledge and skills
Virtual training course
Everyone’s writing questionnaires...but what makes a questionnaire really work?
Virtual training course
This lively on-line interactive day course lets you learn the theory and practice of online, (telephone) and face-to-face depth interviewing.
Transform business challenges with cultural analysis
Harness semiotics to tackle branding, product and marketing challenges. Explore global case studies demonstrating cultural analysis for audience engagement and brand relevance.
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