
Following the lead of the big supermarkets we have conducted our very own ‘Price Match’ looking at equivalent professional bodies in other sectors. And we’re chuffed to announce that not only is MRS membership cheaper than other membership organisations, but that MRS membership also offers you many more goods in your membership shopping trolley.

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Benefit from a tolley full of career-boosting benefits:
  • Specialist Mentoring scheme
  • Recognition / post nominals
  • 10+ Professional + Standards webinars
  • 10+ Special Interest Groups
  • 30% course/event discounts
  • CPD and Codeline suppor
Value for money - we're waiving the joining fee 

For a limited period, we are waiving the joining fee for new members (usually £45 on joining). Join today to enjoy a membership trolley piled high with benefits for the flat fee of £175 a year.

Yet more savings - MRS training  

Plus did you know that if you book an MRS training course as a Member you save more than the cost of your annual membership fee. So the £175 membership fee saves you £210 on a one day course (more for longer courses). So if you are undertaking training it is well worth joining as a member!

Join MRS today… use the code TROLLEY25 



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