The Archive of Market and Social Research is a volunteer charity that is building a record of market and social research in the UK. Its objective is to collect research-based material, and make it available to those seeking to explore the evolution of our behaviours, attitudes and lives.
The Archive’s collection brings together books, periodicals, reports and data sources. These include social surveys, marketing studies, political polls and technical developments. As well as storing original documents, AMSR is digitising its material for access on its website, where data and commentary can be freely searched by researchers and academics, particularly social and cultural historians examining societal trends since the 1940s.
A lot of valuable material has been lost or destroyed. If you have data, documents, journals or books that you are willing to donate, the AMSR would be very happy to hear from you.
It is also keen to recruit new volunteers who have specialist skills or might be able to help with collecting, cataloguing or scanning donated materials at Ipsos MORI’s office in Harrow. As a charity AMSR is also grateful for all sponsorships and financial donations.
The AMSR is closely associated with the MRS: in fact Jane Frost is a member of its Trustee Board.
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