In 2012 MRS issued its first report setting out its recommendations for the creation of the government’s market research framework. Some of these recommendations were adopted; some were not.

In 2014 MRS issued its second report in which MRS completed an in-depth operational review of the performance of the government’s market research procurement framework that had been implemented by UK SBS.

The framework is due to expire in April 2018, in readiness for the new framework, and following consultation with MRS stakeholders, including research suppliers and in-house government research buyers and commissioners, MRS has compiled a new report, with detailed recommendations for the developing the new replacement framework for market research services.

By not taking on board all of the original recommendations detailed in MRS’ 2012 report, the government failed to create an effective and efficient market research framework, which maximised value for the public sector and provides the full insight that is critical to public life. When procuring market research, government is procuring intellectual capital and evidence on which important decisions are based. The procurement practices should be structured to reflect this.

The creation of a new market research framework provides a second opportunity to overcome the current failings and create a framework which is truly fit-for-purpose. There are a number of significant risks if this is not done.

Market research is the most significant avenue for determining citizens’ views and is essential at a time when the government is implementing a “listening agenda” to ensure that all UK citizens’ voices are being heard and reflected within policy making.

The new MRS report strongly recommends that this time all of MRS recommendations are implemented to ensure that government market research procurement arrangements deliver the necessary insight and impact into public policy decision making which is essential if the UK is to continue to flourish.

In order that we can continue to assist government in adopting a continuous improvement approach we would welcome any subsequent feedback you have of your experience with the framework and government research procurement in general.

Download the reports:

Third report 2017
Improving Market and Social Research Procurement and Commissioning within the Public Sector

Second report, 2014 Executive summary: Lessons Learnt from the Creation of the Pan-Government Framework for Market Research Services (PDF)

Full report: Lessons Learnt from the Creation of the Pan-Government Framework for Market Research Services (PDF)

First report, 2012
MRS Recommendations on the Creation of Framework 2 for research services (PDF)

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