MRS Best Practice Guide on Collecting Sample Data on Physical Disabilities and/or Mental Health Conditions March 2022 



MRS has produced this Best Practice Guide to help practitioners act legally and ethically in collecting data and asking research participants questions on physical disabilities and/or mental health conditions.

MRS Inclusion Pledge Updated 2023 


MRS has updated its Inclusion Pledge for CEOs to improve representation in research, as well as launching a pledge specifically aimed at independent consultants to encourage commitment to inclusive practices across the sector.

  • The refreshed pledge for businesses now covers the commitment to consider both visible and invisible disabilities in the sector’s places of work and to ensure that communications and systems are developed with the needs of these groups in mind.
  • Also added to the pledge is the need to actively consider inclusive research designs and methodologies in projects and to ensure transparent communication around samples, particularly for those seeking to be nationally representative.
MRS Best Practice Guide on Research Participant Vulnerability 2016


MRS has produced this best practice guide and checklist to help practitioners identify, understand and respond to research participant vulnerabilities effectively and consistently. This will help to ensure that the needs of vulnerable participants are taken into account in product and service development, policymaking and regulatory supervision and enforcement.

Researchers can use the questions in this best practice guide to assess whether a participant is in a vulnerable position and how to conduct research in such a manner as to reduce the likelihood of causing harm or adverse effects.

MRS Diversity & Inclusion Best Practice Guide: Use of Language


This document examines what not to say/terms to avoid. It’s important to ensure that all people are referred to, and given the option to declare themselves as, using language and terminology that they are comfortable with. The ‘correct’ terminology is personal, so it is always a good idea to find out how people prefer to describe themselves and use those terms, rather than making assumptions. Language preferences and our understanding of the impact of certain words changes – ensure you are using the most up-to-date recommendations.

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