A group of people stood around a desk having a discussion

The MRS Unlimited Steering Group presents a range of helpful resources to help guide you through disability inclusive research practices. We are a driving force for disability inclusive research and researchers globally serving the market research sector, businesses, and of course the people who give into the research sector. 

If you would like the MRS Unlimited team to share and show how resources can be implemented into your business please contact us to arrange digital or in person sessions. 

Please note that this is a work-in-progress resource page with uploads happening monthly. 

This is a framework for people in any role within a design-driven organisation or within product and digital teams, focussing on both Inclusive Design and on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

EDI and Inclusive Design

This framework is meant to be a starting point for people wanting to drive change within their organisation, no matter what role and level of seniority they are in at the moment. It is not meant to be completely comprehensive, but it is meant to be a starting point that individuals and organisations can use and build on. 

Often the topic of EDI feels huge, and an all-or-nothing situation. Individual small actions can feel futile. However, small actions at any level can have a snowball effect on the organisation’s culture and ways of working and be a starting point or a catalyst for more systemic change. 

The framework comprises 3 parts: Inclusive Design, Equity Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, and Designers’ Career Lifecycle. These parts can be used together or individually. 

A Comprehensive Guide to Accessible User Research: Part 1 – Project Planning

Article 2: Preparing and recruitment for accessible user research

Article 3: Conducting and reporting accessible user research

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“Researchers often want to include people with access needs in their studies but don’t know where to begin. This three-part series covers the various considerations for adapting your practice to include people with disabilities.” 

MRS Unlimited see this resource as a great introduction to get thinking about accessible disability research in your agency. Perhaps you’d like to share this resource with your team to start a conversation, or to update and review some of your current disability research practices.

A practical guide to inclusive research 

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This was one of the first resources shared within the MRS Unlimited steering group to start a conversation around inclusive disability research with our agencies. For anyone new to inclusive research looking at the process of beginning a project, this is a good first step in understanding what is inclusive research and why is it so important.

Planning and conducting remote usability studies for accessibility - Rosenfeld event

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This easy to read and clear presentation is helpful in planning and conducting remote usability studies for accessibility. If you are beginning your journey to more inclusive research for disabled participants, this guide will help teams begin to think about the adjustments they may need to make to their usual day to day research processes to make them more accessible.

Guidance Inclusive communication by GOV.UK

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This set of four inclusive communication guidance resources help businesses and people communicate inclusively of disabled people. The documents included look at communicating using inclusive language and to know which words to use, portraying disabled people positively and realistically, making sure your communications are accessible and on the right channels to reach disabled people effectively.

Disability-Inclusive Communications Guidelines UN 

In an ever-connected world, communications have grown into a must-have cross-cutting skill for every United Nations (UN) professional. Inclusive and accessible communications benefit everyone, both persons with disabilities and the general public. By practising disability-inclusive communications, we can reflect the true diversity of our societies.

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