The MRS Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey (EESS) is part of the on-going MRS People and Talent initiative. The new report, featuring the first cohort of research organisations which have taken part, is now launched. The aim of the Survey is to help businesses better understand their individual workforces and to be able to benchmark their performance with other similar businesses across the sector.

Download the new EESS report here

The EESS has been designed to cover the key elements of Employee Engagement including Culture, Management, Development & Career, Inclusion & Diversity and Remuneration. The Survey has been designed by MRS using best practice from employee research in consultation with research experts in this field.

For participating organisations the benefits include:

  • An opportunity to benchmark their performance to that of the sector, helping businesses to identify what they are doing well, and also identify areas of improvement.
  • Measuring the key metrics for businesses in the research sector.
  • Helping organisations monitor their performance and highlight priorities for improvement that will have real impact on employee engagement and motivation.
  • Releasing staff time and resource from undertaking their own in-house staff surveys.
  • Saving costs by participating in the cost-effective MRS survey rather than creating in-house surveys.
  • Providing evidence for award recognition, e.g. the MRS Research Live Best Place to Work award.

MRS expects to repeat the Survey at regular intervals (annually or bi-annually) to capture trends over time.

For the first pilot phase, 10 research organisations took part. Each participating company was provided with its own customised weblink to the Survey, hosted on Survey Monkey.  A weblink ID and respondent ID was automatically assigned to each respondent by the system to maximise anonymity and confidentiality. The Survey pilot was launched on 26 February 2024 and held open until 15 April 2024.

For more information on how to take part see here

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