The role of market and social research is vital in informing and driving effective decision-making in commerce and society.

Understanding how to design, plan and manage research projects ensures that research provided is formed from a clear practical understanding of the core principles underpinning all stages in the research process, from design to delivery of results.

Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (Supply-side researchers)

1. Understand the broad context of research

2. Identify and define research objectives and requirements

3. Evaluate and select appropriate research solutions for given research contexts

4. Determine realistic timescales and budget requirements

5. Recommend approach research methodology(s) for collecting the required information within agreed budget and timescale

6. Identify and select appropriate samples and sources of information

7. Prepare research proposals

8. Plan and implement research projects to ensure they are effectively managed and delivered

9. Identify risks and how these can be mitigated

10. Brief and manage people responsible for elements of research implementation

11. Analyse data and identify research findings

12. Prepare research reports

13. Present and communicate research findings to clients

Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (Client-side researchers)

1. Understand the broad context of research

2. Identify and define research objectives and requirements

3. Evaluate and select appropriate research solutions for given research contexts

4. Determine realistic timescales and budget requirements

5. Prepare research briefs

6. Determine appropriate procedures for selecting suitable research suppliers

7. Implement supplier selection procedures to identify suitable suppliers

8. Manage research suppliers to ensure projects are effectively delivered

9. Identify risks and how these can be mitigated

10. Brief and manage people responsible for research implementation

11. Interpret research findings for internal stakeholder requirements

12. Tailor research findings and insights suitable for communication with internal stakeholders

13. Present and communicate research findings to internal stakeholder

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